STEAM'92 v3.2 This new release has greatly enhanced consistency especially near the critical point. This is very region to resolve and much work was required. Transport properties in the two-phase region are also accelerated. Also, the copy facility has been improved (F1/F2). NOTES Natural Convection Heat Transfer Coefficient This term is a portion of the nondimensional Grashof Number used for free convection heat transfer studies. The full term is: Gr = BETAnc * ( L**3 ) * ( T - Tinf ) where BETAnc = the term provided by STEAM'92 L = the dimensional length T = the local fluid or body surface temperature Tinf = the ambient fluid temperature These terms are dimensioned such that Gr is nondimensional. Where T - Tinf is large, it is recommended that this term (as well as the Nusselt number) be evaluated at (T+Tinf)/2. Units Coefficient Some of the units have coefficients, or exponents with the units name. This is intended to be read as a literal suffix to the number showing in the cell: don't invert the sign, just assume that it is a multiplier to the number showing. Speed If you do not have an 80i87, we recommend MicroWay or Haupage as sources. They focus on 80i87 support and have treated us well. Please let us know if you have any problems running the program on your system. Cv and Alpha: The current release has incorporated new solvers for Cv and alpha (isentropic compressibility), in the 2-phase region. These solvers circumnavigate the calculational problems as well as accurate results. "Gamma" Becomes Isentropic Exponent: To make it more useful, "gamma" is now the isentropic exponent and calculated explicitly according to gamma = -(v/P)(dP/dv)|s which is commonly used where approximations of the perfect gas relations are useful. "Z" Becomes Choked Mass Flux: The critical mass flux, W*/A, was substituted for the Z coefficient. W* is evaluated by looking at the input state values as TOTAL conditions. Speed of Sound: The sonic speed is now calculated explicitly using the isentropic compressibility in the two phase region. Benchmarking for the new data: All of these resulting values and conventions are additionally consistent with the ASME Steam Tables, 5th Edition. Benjamin R. Strong, Jr., P.E (Ray)